The date is not given but the script implies that it’s not so distant future. It probably takes in the late 21st century. The movie starts with dusty scenes and interviews. Murphy says that ‘’my dad was a farmer, like everybody else back then.’’ And the scene continues with the dream about the crush of her dad Cooper. Cooper gets out of his bed and looks out the window and the burned field. Murphy says that ‘’wheat had died, it got moldy and we had to burn it. But we still had corn, we had fields full of corn. But mostly we had dust.’’ And the other interviewers talking ‘’I guess I can’t describe it consistently there, the steady blow of dirt.’’ ‘’We wore scrips of sheet sometimes over our nose and mouth so we wouldn't breathe the so much of it.’’ They would put the plates and glasses upside down when they were setting a table because everywhere was covered with dust. In this movie, a stream of consciousness technique was used. After this scene, we are able to see what happened when Murphy was a kid, and what they had to struggle with. There’s no mother in this house, there are two kids, the father, and the grandfather. The scene continues with their breakfast, kids are getting ready for school. Murphy asks for his dad to fix her toy because her ‘’ghost’’ dropped it out from her shell. When they go out and walk to the car for the school, they see Nelson is torching his all crop. The grandfather says ‘’they say it’s the last harvest for okra, ever’’, and ‘’he should’ve planted corn like the rest of us’’ the father says. They lack food, not just them the whole human nation that left on earth is. And the only plant that can resist the dust is corn. When they got in the car the grandfather says to his son ‘’be nice to mis Hanley she is single, and we have to populate the earth’’.  When they are on the road to the school their car tire blew but they had to fix the tire because they were already using the spare one. They lack all kinds of sources.

An Indian Air Force UAV passes over their heads and they start chasing them. They drive through the cornfields to follow. “Solar cells can energize the entire farm.” They skip school and chase the plane because it's one of their hopes for survival. “Delhi Mission Control crashed at the same time as ours, 10 years ago.” Cooper curiously begins to unscrew the plane. Murphy “What are you going to do with it?” asked Cooper. He talks about having to adapt to the world they live in. They need the tiniest hope of saving humanity. When they finally get to school, Cooper attends the parents' meeting. His teachers mention that his son Tom doesn't have high enough grades to go to college. The University already has limited resources, so it can take very few students. The teacher says that Tom should be a farmer. When Cooper opposes this, the teacher replies, "We don't need more engineers right now, we don't have a shortage of television screens or airplanes, we're short of food." “The world needs farmers. “We are care-taker generation Coop.” After Tom's turn, this time they start talking about Murphy. They tell Murphy's friends that his father is showing pictures of the moon landing from old textbooks and that's the problem. According to the teachers, they had never been to the moon and Apollo was just bullshit. That part has been removed from the new books, and the teacher says, "Apollo explains that the missions were made up so that the Soviet Union would go bankrupt." The teacher says it's nothing but tons of money spent on useless machines, they don't believe they went to the moon. He thinks they don't want to repeat the excess and waste of the 20th century and that they should teach children about this planet, not tales of separation in the world. Cooper gets very angry about this and defends the old machines. He lost his wife to a cyst in her brain, if they still had those useless old machines, the doctors would have found it before she died, not after she died. The more the teacher says "Apollo bullshit," the more Cooper gets angry, the argument deepens, and he gets his daughter suspended because she can't help herself. When they come home, they see that all the combines they control with the computer are standing in front of the house. It's as if there was a magnetic field in the house and they all involuntarily moved towards that magnetic field. When he goes to Murphy's room, he finds that the ghost has dropped the books again. But this time he thinks it's not a ghost, but a magnetic field. They're talking to Grandpa Donald in the gazebo, “it’s like we forgot who we are Donald. We were explorers, pioneers, not the care-takers.” Donald says, “when I was a kid it was like they made something new every day, some gadget, some idea. Like every day was Christmas.” And he mentioned that six billion people were working to have it all. We understand that six billion people are dead, they couldn’t make it. After their talking scene, the interview scene comes again. “You didn’t expect this dirt that was giving you thethis food to turn on you like that and destroy you.” And we come to the baseball scene, they are watching a baseball game with all family. The stream of consciousness technique was well-used in this movie. We switch from one scene to another, but that’s why we can figure out what really happened in the past and in the future. Donald complains about eating popcorn at the baseball game, he wants ha ot dog. But corn is the only thing that they have. Then a huge dust storm comes, and people had to leave. On the way home, they are wearing masks to protect themselves from the dust. They can hardly get into the house. Murphy runs into her room to close the window because of the dust, Cooper runs after her, and they the ghost’s messages written on the dust on the floor. In the morning, Cooper figures out the ghost’s message, It was coordinate. He finds it on the map and goes out to find it. He goes with the Murphy, it becomes night and the soldiers find them. They are asking him questions, he knows the coordinates but it was impossible for him to know because he had to be there before to know it. Dr. Brand comes in and she organizes a conference. He meets again with Professor Brand, they ask him how he found the facility. Cooper lies, he says that it was an accident, but they don’t believe him. “You are sitting in the best-kept secret in the world, nobody stumbles in here nobody stumbles out”. They ask him to co-operate with them. When they are talking Dr. Brand says “we are NASA”, “the same NASA that you flew for,” says Professor Brand. Then opens a gate in the office with the remote control, and shows the secret NASA base. They were shut down before because Professor Brand refused to drop bombs on the starving people. The government tried to kill weak and starving people for the left strong human-kind, but then they realize that it was not a long term solution, than they needed the NASA back. In secret. Because public opinion wouldn’t allow spending on space exploration. Not when they struggling to put food on the table. Wheat had died 7 years ago and this year okra died, now they just have corn but corn will die soon either. They breathe mold and as it strives their air it’s less and less oxygen. The last people to starve will be the first to sufficate. Murphy’s generation will be the last to survive on earth. Then Cooper asks what is the plan to save the world. But they don’t meant to save the world, they are meant to leave it. The NASA sent people for looking out for new home. There’s not a planet nor a solar system that could sustain life in near’s star over thousand years. And doesn’t even worth to try. Cooper accepted and get ready for the space travel to find a new world that human-kind can live in it. His daughter Murphy didn’t forgive him and they could never say a proper goodbye. Cooper couldn’t tell her that he has to go to the save the world, because that means he has to explain her that the world is ending. He wanted to feel her safe and let her hate him forever. He left a broken hearted little girl behind, but it’s all for her and the people. The whole crew had set in the rocket and they fired. Some of the crew will go eternal sleep and some of them will keep searching. If something happen to the crew, the robots will wake the sleeping crew up for the continue the mission. They are heading the Mars, the next time his family could get a news about him he will be heading to the Saturn. They found the worm whole and trying to figure it out who put it there. They see them out of the window, they store the spacetime. “What was that?” “First hand shake” “We’re here”. They find a planet but it’s too close to the black hole, landing there takes them dangerously close to it and the black hole has huge gravitiation. The gravity on that planet run slowly compare to the earth. Every hour they spend on that planet will be 7 years back on earth. They have to think about the time is resource just like oxygen and food, going down there will cost them. According to the Miller who is sent that planet a while ago, there’s water, organics. It could worth the time you spent. They decided to go to the planet, the first thing they see was water. They landed on the water and there’s also 130 percent of earth gravity. Suddenly a huge tsunami comes through the Dr. Brand but she doesn’t leave it untill take the Miller’s data that left in there. That little water that they saw and landed on, turned into a huge wavey ocean. They couldn’t be able to save one of the crew member. They stuck in there the enginess are filled with water, they can’t go back and the times is running. 1 hour is equal with 7 years, it will cost them to the decades. Miller was swallowed by the waves right after she was landed, the wreck was covered together all these years because of the time slippage. On this planets time she just landed hours ago, she probably just died minutes ago. They would not prepare for this, they stuck there untill no one left on the earth to be save. The time is relative it can strecth, it can squeeze but it can’t run backwards. The only thing that can move across the mansions like time, is gravity. They found a way to survive and go from that planet, when they come back to the base, the crew member Rom who was on an eternal sleep, was wake up. He is an old man anymore. Cooper asks that “how many years..?” and Rom says “by now it must 23 years, 4 months and 8 days”. Years of messages was stored, Cooper sits and starts watching them. At first his son appears he had a good education career and even become a dad. He shows the baby to the camera “you’re the grandpa, his name is Jesse”. And another clip comes of him, he is old now and says that his granpa passed away last week, they burried him to the back yard next to his mom and Jesse. He lost his child too. Cooper became a grandpa in seconds and lost it in seconds. And the Murphy shows up. She says “today is my birthday and it’s a special one because you told me that when you came back we might be at the same age. And today i’m the age when you were left. It might be the good time for you to come back.” Murphy is crying in the video, and the Cooper is crying when he is watching in the space. Murphy took her fathers job in earth, she’s working with the NASA. Then the scene continious with Tom and Murphy. They are at their 40s, after all that time they are still burning the fields got mold. They are still coughing because of the huge dust that stuck on earth. Nothing has changed, they’ve been waiting for the crew come back from the space. But they couldn’t showed up either. So they had to wait for years and they had to survive. Professor Brand tells Murphy in his deathbed “there’s no chance for your father to come, no one can helps us. I’m sorry Murphy i lied forgive me.” Prof. Brand to the Cooper for all that years. He knew that there was no way out bad they made him believe that they can save the earth. He was planning on to leave the earth and the humankind by their own to the death. He was planning on build a colony in any planet that they can find there’s life on it, and grow a new humankind with frozen embryos. The crew is on the road for another planet, this one is frozen out. They find a base with planted American flags around it. When they get in there, they see someone in a sleep and wake him up. He gets up hugs Cooper and starts crying. He had no hope to survive. He slept for years because he was running out of sources. The Dr. Mann who is just woke up from the sleep tells about his world. Their world is cold, stark but undeniably beautiful. The days are 67 hours long, cold. The nights are also 67 hours and, cold. The gravity is 80 percent of earth. And down of the surface, there is surface that breathable air for organics. Possible even to life, they might be sharing this world. Cooper and Brand got a video mail from Murphy she was saying Brand that her father is dead and he’s been lying for years to them. When they heard that they planned a trip to the blackhole to bend the time. They will go in it and see what happens. Back in the earth things are so bad. Tom’s wife and his second son is about the die because of the dust. Back in the space Dr. Mann conspiracy to the Cooper. He’s been sending fake reports, there was no surface, he says “I tried to do my duty, but I knew the day that I arrived here this place had nothing.” He made fake reports just to be saved from that place, because he was alone and running out of sources. They have a fight Dr. Mann tries to kill Cooper and take all his sources. All these years that being alone made him do it. Because there was no way out, and he knew it deeply. Another disappointment for Cooper and Brand. Dr. Mann steals the ship, when he tries to attach the ship to the base the system don’t let him. Then he accidently blows out the ship when he was trying to control it. Cooper left Brand behind get into the blackhole by his own. He was dispersed in the void of blackhole and finally stopped. He stopped into the Murphy’s walls in her room, behind the bookshell. He punches the wall to get somebodies attention. Murphy is sitting on her bed, she is 10 years old again, her books fell down from the shell. Her ‘’ghost’’ has came again. All this time the ‘’ghost’’ was the Cooper, he was trying to reach his daughter. He is trying to tell himself in the past to not go with mors alphabet with dust. The robot of the ship connects with Cooper and help him to give a message to Murphy. Cooper stays into that wall for a while, than another humankind that evaluated comes for Cooper and saves him just like he did for the Murphy. Then he wakes up in Saturn, the message that Cooper gave to the Murphy is worked. Murphy has broke the code and saved the humankind. She has found the Cooper station. And we see that interwiev scene that we see at first, was made by Murphy to tell all human kind that what they had to suffer in the past. Murphy came for to see her father, but she is in a deathbed. Her dad didn’t change at all, but now she is too old and she is older than her dad. 


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